Latest News

Bell Estates now accepts payment
using paypal with a very compatitive

Bell Estates expands, we are exited
to announce that now we have more
than 200 sims.

New Website
Lunching the new website
with ability to manage customers
account and more
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Features Overview

Trusting Large Estate
With more than 250 Sims and a total
area more than 1% of the total
private Area of Second Life.
Bell Estates is cosidered one of the
Largest Estates in SL.

Great Support
When you get a Sim or Land with Bell
Estates you will get also the best
support you can ever find.
We guarantee to handel any support request in less than 24 hours. while normally it will be done at once.

Full Permission
When you get a sim with Bell Estates,
you will be estate manager with full
permission, you will be free to use the
land as you like as long as you respect
Second Life T.O.S.

Earn With Bell Estates
By referring a new customer to Bell
Estates, you can get commession
with minimum L$2,500.